Comments for iColor
  1. 2020-12-22 16:23
    iColor commented on #96cNVG64IxtrjOiyoEV9C.

    ty for the tag update! @taichi1082

  2. 2020-09-14 20:41
    iColor commented on #pzemHSIacsu2JqB2g2b6t.

    classic MX

  3. 2020-07-11 05:29
    iColor commented on #IsTS96tvZgR3h9agu1B74.

    love live cv...

  4. 2020-07-07 07:07
    iColor commented on #4HuXPKGpb0WaGPDvuH6YN.

    these "newer" names are scary, so many good spinners now

  5. 2020-06-25 22:22
    iColor commented on #_LfawhLra3qmx8Du--83x.

    old greats, mhig + teotoko, I miss their spinning.

  6. 2020-06-04 17:56
    iColor commented on #clPf5a7cXR6IhBOnGY14d.


  7. 2020-06-02 04:54
    iColor commented on #EQCbfWkjgGv8GpiZrcXrm.

    classy bartender spinning

  8. 2020-06-01 06:42
    iColor commented on #9drUGHEK358HN3STby3RM.

    New team that got announced a couple days ago:


    • Assessment
    • mi
    • Irelia
    • TaKA
    • Lapis
    • Tigres
    • Raber
    • Carbonara
  9. 2020-06-01 04:49
    iColor commented on #mqhezm6Fvo89Mss06JVTw.

    nails is.... but I can appreciate the spin style

  10. 2020-05-31 02:08
    iColor commented on #k99SpN0GgSuv_idML8h66.

    kinda cool to see some of these clips, I personally never got to see much of drowsy surprisingly.

  11. 2020-05-30 05:33
    iColor commented on #Q626zKZT_FfYLDrEeksUJ.

    Looks like there was a thumbnail issue on this one. Maybe due to .flv encoding. EDIT: I reencoded this manually. Should be fixed.

  12. 2020-05-25 22:52
    iColor commented on #QpCmSyUCcQBU4Vlz1f6KX.

    more JEB content.. of the many more CVs that I still want to upload. :)

  13. 2020-05-25 07:12
    iColor commented on #mo2xidIJ8XS0MFAP_3zfj.

    Crazy to think how long Teotoko was spinning (1.5 years~) before facing Eriror in UPSBT, after beating Vicgotgame in R3.

  14. 2020-05-23 19:12
    iColor commented on #Tp3icX7ZoR3pWmSTGW5AK.

    Looking to grab more jamie enns stuff, this one was grabbed from DL link in the YT description. Hopefully I can get more stuff from him personally.

  15. 2020-05-22 06:39
    iColor commented on #iFawlc9vlJxn5YdkAonwc.

    I really like the aesthetic of this CV.